About me
I am a researcher and a thriving computer scientist. My main area of research is 3D Vision. Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science program at The University of Texas at Dallas. I started researching this field by doing various projects during the undergraduate studies from Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi in Computer Science and Engineering, and finished it in 2019.
My undergraduate advisor was Dr. Pratik Chattopadhyay and I worked with him on the Broad Learning System, and De-identification, along with several other topics of interests. We employed the knowledge of Neural Networks and Computer Vision to produce amazing research works. I have also worked with Dr. Shankar M. Venkatesan on Lip-Reading System at Samsung R&D Institute Bangalore, and Dr. Ravi S. Hegde on Transferring Learned Object Detection Features from Synthetic Images Domain to Real Images Domain at Indian Insitute of Technology Gandhinagar. Currently, I will be working with Dr. Xiaohu Guo on Implicit 3D Graphics and Scene Reconstruction as my Ph.D. project.
I am grateful to all my advisors and co-workers who have advised me well and taught me amazing stuffs. I hope to keep learning more from them, and put my learning to a good use for the benefit of the world.
I grew up in Chandigarh and New Delhi, India.