Talks and presentations


October 07, 2021

Seminar talk, Computer Graphics and Animation Lab, Dallas, TX

A slide explaining a image-conditioned or pixel-aligned Neural Network based Radiance Field. Radiance Fields are used to obtain resultant color and opacity of any point in 3D space, with respect to view direction.


April 19, 2021

Seminar talk, Computer Graphics and Animation Lab, Dallas, TX

A slide explaining a differential renderer for 3D based image reasoning, including reasoning of occluded regions.


February 22, 2021

Seminar talk, Computer Graphics and Animation Lab, Dallas, TX

A slide explaining a multi-level image/pixel aligned implicit function based human body reconstruction in high-resolution.

Deep Learning based 3D Human body reconstruction

October 28, 2019

Seminar talk, Computer Graphics and Animation Lab, Dallas, TX

A slide explaining mainly two approaches - Surface based and Volume based, using the underlying SMPL model for reconstructing human body using deep learning approached.