
Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Teaching Assistantship, UT Dallas, 2023

Algorithmic analysis and design. Algorithmic paradigms: divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, randomized algorithms, approximation algorithms. Algorithmic techniques: backtracking, branch and bound, graph algorithms, string algorithms, computational geometry. Algorithmic complexity: time and space complexity, worst-case and average-case analysis, asymptotic notation, master theorem. NP-completeness and P vs NP.

Computer Animation and Gaming

Teaching Assistantship, UT Dallas, 2021

OpenGL and GLSL, Vectors, Matrix, Cubic Curves, Interpolating Values, Quaternion, Interpolating Orientation, Forward Kinematics, Skin, Inverse Kinematics.

Computer Graphics

Teaching Assistantship, UT Dallas, 2021

Course based on “Computer Graphics for Java Programmers (3rd Edition)” by Leen Ammeraal and Kang Zhang

Database Systems

Teaching Assistantship, UT Dallas, 2020

Entity, Relationship Diagram, Relational mapping, SQL, Relational Algebra, Normalization, Query Optimization, Transaction Processing, Fault recovery

Artificial Intelligence

Teaching Assistantship, UT Dallas, 2019

Introduction to Logic, Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to solve classification, regression, data retrieval problems. LISP and AIMA.

Introduction to Computer Programming

Undergraduate course, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, 2018

Intoroduction to the basics of Computer Programming, functioning of different programming languages, introduction to C Programming Language and Problem Solving.